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Sunday, April 29, 2012

English Olympics County Level

Congratulations , Mihai, for your special prize with 84 points ! I am proud of you !

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 13-2; Tomorrow's World

The FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSE indicates continuing action, something that will be happening, going on, at some point in the future. This tense is formed with the modal "will" plus "be," plus the present participle of the verb (with an -ing ending):
Examples :
I will be running in next year's Boston Marathon. 
Our campaign plans suggest that the President will be winning the southern vote by November. "

Activity 1 - Worksheet with future simple and continuous
 Activity 2- Your teacher will help you list some of the differences between teenagers fifty years ago and now. After this, work with your partner or group and make some notes on how life will be different for teenagers in about fifty years time. Think about what they’ll be doing, wearing, listening to, where they’ll be living and going in their free time.