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Friday, October 7, 2011




  1. Good table manners in Roumania

    People are invited to attend a festive meal must know some basic rules for such occasions. Only show their respect and esteem for the other guests and hosts can prove good manners

    -do not leave the table while others eat without you excuse

    -we are not arguing at the table

    -do not argue at the table

    -eat fish especially using the boning knife only after the fish is opened in March after they cut out the head with a knife. Fish bones from the mouth of fork and put the hand out only in cases of emergency

    -cauliflower cut with a fork, a knife is not used at all

    -do not bite of pickle

    -if you give someone an eating utensil, you keep the handle so that the person can grab them all there

    -toothpicks not put on the table, but if you need, discreetly ask the host and uses the bathroom


  2. In Romania:
    1. Not ever a wine is served between two white wines sweet red or dry.
    2. If you give someone a knife, a fork or a spoon, give them to handle.
    3. Staff will work on a plateau called eating utensil or a napkin.
    4. Cookies, cakes: Take the hand if they are dry, spoon or fork if the cream or whipped cream.
    5. Strawberries and raspberries: to eat with mine if they stem, if they are given spoons, especially when served with cream.
    6. Piersicile : se tin cu mina stinga pentru a le taia in doua.
    7. Held the city or, less often, but by following rule Evening: no brown after six o'clock.
    8. Place a chair :To offer the elderly, women, pregnant women, people with children crippled.
    9. No elbows on the table sit.
    10. Nobody grab before serving spoon and not the host.

    Bianca D.

  3. In Romania it's polite to eat after all guest are at the table. You need to wait until the host says "Pofta buna" (Good Appetite) to start eating. Romania talk a lot during the meal, but it's impolite to speak when you're chewing your food. It's impolite to munch while you're eating. It isn't a sign of bad manners to soak up sauce with bread. Don't put your napkin on your lap, leave it on table. It's polite to not leave the table before everybody finished the meal. If you smoke while the guest are still serving the food or the people are still eating , you're impolite. It's polite to thank and congratulate the guest for the meal, even if you didn't enjoyed it. If you don't want food, you need to insist because refusals are not taken seriously but refusals are seen as good manners.

  4. Table Manners in Romania:

    -It is polite to wait until all the guests are gathered around the table before starting to eat
    -It is considered bad manners to say something while you are chewing the food

    -It is impolite to leave the table before everybody has finished the meal

    -It is also impolite to smoke while the other people are serving the meal or still eating

    -At the end of the meal people usually thank the host for it and congratulate the host for such a wonderful meal, even if you haven't enjoyed the meal, it still would be polite to thank the host as they have gone to a lot of trouble preparing it probably in your honor as the guest of the house.

    Sorry for describing just 4/10 table manners,but in Romania there aren't too many.

  5. Salads and plates must be accompanied by many a spoon and a fork for guests to serve with ease.

    Sauce from the plate should not be absorbed with a piece of bread.

    Slices of bread are broken by hand and not cut.

    Do not talk with your mouth full.

    Plates are placed as follows: the rights to put a spoon with the sharp knife to plate, knife small fish. The left fork is placed and the usual fish. Spoon is placed in front of the plate.

    Avoid elbows on the table and you hold them at your sides.

    If I give someone a box, a fork or a spoon, give them to handle.

    The ladies are served first, then gentlemen, and last host - when returned to her plate.

    For dinners, tablecloth and napkins will also be festive, a pristine whiteness and for intimate meetings can use colored tablecloths.

    Poultry not eat with mine. Like I said, the meat is ready cutted bring to the table.


  6. QUIZ
    1. In romania not talk with your mouth full.
    2. Vurbeste not at the table.
    3. Before eating they say a prayer
    4. When you eat not scartii tableware plate.
    5. The table is not music.
    6. You eat with your mouth closed.
    7. They eat everything on your plate.
    8. Always say that food was good for not offending the person who did it.
    9. Before eating wash our hands.
    10. After eating say "Thanks for dinner."


  7. 1.Is Polite to let the man to stay in the head of table
    2.When you finish to eat is polite to say Thank you for diner.
    3.When you finish to eat is polite to put. cutlery on the plate.
    4.Is not polite to burp at after the meal.
    5.Is not polite to talk on meal times.
    6.Is polite to eat with mouth close.
    7.Is polite to eat once with the family.
    8.Is polite to use the fork and the knife.
    9.Is not polite to eat desert before the meal.
    10.After you finish to eat is polite to collect the dregs.
    Mihai Bo.

  8. Table Manners in Romania

    It is polite to wait until all the guests are gathered around the table before starting to eat. It is considered rude to say something while you are chewing the food.It is considered very rude to spit at the meal.It is considered bad manners to sip the soups with noise.It is impolite to laugh loudly.It is considered very rude to burp.It is considered bad manners to smoke while the other people are serving the meal.It is impolite to yawn at the meal.It is polite to thank the host for meal.It is considered bad manners to leave the table before the other people have finished the meal.

    Now that you know the table manners in Romania, "Bon Appétit"!


  9. Table manners in Romania

    1.In Romanian, if you want to get up from the table must ask permission, especially if you are a child.

    2.If someone sneezes is not recommended to say "healthy" , you act as if you had not heard

    3.Do not drink soup with noise. At the tablemust be silent.

    4.eat and drink moderately , not rushed.

    5.When it's a pary , the host serv the guests from his right.

    6. Do not talk with your mouth full.

    7.The table is not coughing, nose blowing and no helmet is not because these gestures upset the other guests

    8.Do not tell jokes naughty and will not laugh out loud.

    9.Guest meals will not disturb neighbors right and left.

    10.Say thank you when served something. Show your appreciation and be nice and smiling.

    Cristina A. =]

    In Romania it's polite to eat after all guestS are at the table. You need to wait until the host says "Pofta buna" (Good Appetite) to start eating. IN Romania talk a lot during the meal, but it's impolite to speak when you're chewing your food. It's impolite to munch while you're eating. It isn't a sign of bad manners to soak up BREAD IN SAUCE. Don't put your napkin on your lap, leave it on table. It's polite NOT TO leave the table before everybody finishES the meal. If you smoke while the OTHER guestS still HAVE THEIR food , you're impolite. It's polite to thank and congratulate the guest for the meal, even if you didn't ENJOY it. If you don't want food, you need to insist because refusals are not taken seriously but refusals are seen as good manners.
    -It is polite to wait until all the guests are gathered around the table before starting to eat
    -It is considered bad manners to say something while you are chewing the food

    -It is impolite to leave the table before everybody has finished the meal

    -It is also impolite to smoke while the other people HAVE THEIR meal

    -At the end of the meal people usually thank the host for it and congratulate the host for such a wonderful meal, even if you haven't enjoyed the meal, it would STILL be polite to thank the host as they have gone to a lot of trouble preparing it probably in your honor as the guest of the house.

    “Salads and plates must be accompanied by many SPOONS/FORKS…”
    “Plates are placed as follows: the rights to put a spoon with the sharp knife to plate, knife small fish. The left fork is placed and the usual fish. Spoon is placed in front of the plate.” –NOBODY GETS ANY IDEA FROM A TRANSLATION LIKE THIS
    “Avoid elbows on the table and (WITHOUT YOU ) hold them at your sides.”

    “For dinners, tablecloth and napkins will also be festive, a pristine whiteness and for intimate meetings YOU can use colored tablecloths.”

    ”Poultry IS not eatEN with mine. Like I said, the meat ready CUT IS BROUGHT to the table.”

    Cristina A. =]
    1.In Romanian, if you want to get up from the table YOU must ask FOR permission, especially if you are a child.

    2.If someone sneezes is not recommended to say "GOD BLESS YOU " , you act as if you had not heard (???)

    3.Do not drink soup NOISILY. DURING THE MEALTIME YOU must be silent.

    4.Eat and drink moderately , not rushed.

    5.When it's a PARTY , the host SERVES the guests from his right.

    7.AT THe table YOU SHOULDN’T BLOW YOUR NOSE OR WEAR A HAT these gestures upset the other guests

    8.Do not tell NAUGHTY jokes and DO not laugh out loudLY.
    10.Say thank you when served something. Show your appreciation and be nice and smiling.
    Mihai Bo.
    1.IT IS Polite to let the HOST to stay AT the head of table
    2.When you finish to eat IT is polite to say Thank you for dinNer.
    3.When you finish to eat IT is polite to put. THE cutlery on the plate.
    4.IT IS not polite to burp at after the meal.
    5.IT IS not polite to talk on meal times.
    6.IT IS polite to eat with mouth close.
    7.IT IS polite to eat once with the family.
    8.IT IS polite to use the fork and the knife.
    9.IT IS not polite to eat THE desert before the meal.
    10.After you finish to eat IT is polite to collect the dregs

  11. email from Bianca B.

    Table manners in romania

    1.Time of rezervation must be respected.Academic quarter hour a usually in this case:if more than 15 minutes late rezervation is not quaranteed.If you are invited come 10 early.

    2.The problem of napkin.Napkin is placed on your lap without completely untold and can not be used to remove the flatware or face.

    3.Cutlery.Rule says that we should start with the cutlery far from the plate and use them by one, from the inside out.

    4.Don’t blaw in the food,tea,coffee.Wait to coll.

    5.Don’t put your elbows on the table.It you use only one hand, place it in your lap.

    6.Don’t talk your mouth full.Chew with your mouth closed.Pleased when the waiter serves you

    7.Piece of food should be cut right next fork.Havee to cut only one piece

    8.Phone.Don’t talk on the phone during meals.If you receive an important call will excuse you and lift the table.

    9.Greeting.Whenever a lady rises from the table on sit , all men must rise with it.

    10.The end.Don’t push the table when finished eating.Wait for the waiter to take it.

  12. Table manners in ROMANIA

    1.Time of reServation must be respected.THE Academic quarter OF AN hour LATE IS usualin this case: if more than 15 minutes late reServation is not quaranteed. If you are invited come 10 MINUTES early.

    2.The problem of napkin.THE Napkin is placed on your lap without completely unFold and can not be used to remove the flatware or face.???

    3.Cutlery.Rule says that we should start with the cutlery far from the plate and use them ONE by one, from the inside out.

    4.Don’t blOw in the food,tea,coffee.Wait to coOl.

    5.Don’t put your elbows on the table.It you use only one hand, place it in your lap.

    6.Don’t talk your mouth full.Chew with your mouth closed. SAY THANK YOU when the waiter serves you

    7.THE Piece of food should be cut only one piece AT A TIME

    8.Phone.Don’t talk on the phone during meals. If you receive an important call YOU will excuse youSELF and LEAVE the table.

    9.Greeting.Whenever a lady STAND UP from the table , all men must rise with HER.

    10.The end.Don’t push the DISHES ASIDE when finish eating. Wait for the waiter to take it.
