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Saturday, November 19, 2011

WEEK 11- An outstanding exhibition & Sights around the world

To be made of ...


Sights around the world
China http://www.sights-and-culture.com/china/china.html
Portugal http://www.sights-and-culture.com/Portugal/Portugal.html
the UK http://www.sights-and-culture.com/London/London.html

Choose a reading and ask 7 questions about the information in it.
Deadline Saturday , 26 th Nov , 8 pm .
Extra reading
Listen and read the article and then click on the " next " button to do the exercises. Do not forget to turn your speakers on .



  1. 8 questions about Portugal:

    What kind of landscape does Portugal have?
    What architectural style does a historical city from Portugal have?
    What is "azulejos" and where can we find it?
    What is surrounding medieval cities?
    What is giving to the cities a charming flair?
    Who conquered Portugal?
    Where is Faro?
    Where is Albufeira?

  2. London

    1.Cati vizitatori are London?
    London are 9 milioane de vizitatori anual.

    2.Care sunt cele mai spectaculoase cladiri?

    Palatul Westminster, Westminster Abbey si Turnul din Londra fac parte din cele mai faimoase
    cladiri din lume.

    3.Cum a luat nastere London?

    London a luat nastere cand Romanii au ridicat un pod peste ranu Tamisa,acolo facand un renumit centru comercial numit Londonia.

    4.Are London vizitatori interni?

    London are anual 14 milioane de vizitatori interni,fiind unul din cele mai vizitate centre turistce.

    5.Cati locuitori are London?

    London are peste 9 milioane de locuitori.

    6.Acest oras este aglomerat?

    Da pentru ca acest oras este nu intocmai mare si mai ales atunci cand vin multi vizitatori este mare aglomerare in trafic.

    7.Care este cel mai vizitat loc din London?

    Metropola britanică este cel mai viztat loc din London.

  3. 1. How is the Chinese cooking?
    2. In what was the journey in China rich ?
    3. How long will stay it in the travellers' mind?
    4. Where does the tour started?
    5. With what they travelled?
    6. What can we see in China?
    7. Where the travellers experienced the Kung Fu show?
    8. Where there are 100,000 Buddha images?
    9. What is the Three Gorges Dam?
    10. With what are compared the Classical Chinese Gardens?

    Dani T.

  4. 1.WHAT WAS the Chinese cooking LIKE?
    2. In what WAY was the journey in China rich ?
    3. How long will IT stay it in the travellers' mind?
    4. Where DID the tour start?
    5. HOW DID what they travel?
    6. What COULD THEY see in China?
    7. Where DID the travellers EXPERIENCE the Kung Fu show?
    10. What are the Classical Chinese Gardens COMPARED WITH ?

    Dani T.- You should pay more attention to tenses used in the text when you build up questions about it !

    What ARE "azulejos" and where can we find THEM ?
    WHAT ARE medieval cities SURROUNDED BY?
    What GIVES the cities a charming flair?
    Mihai – Almost good job; keep it up !


  5. 1.Who were the Moorish?
    2.Why the flowers were making the historic cities so attractive?
    3.Why Lisbon was so beautiful?
    4.What are "azulejos"?
    5.What are the edifices and monuments which come from Roman and Moorish?
    6.Why the large fortresses were so remarkable?
    7.Why even the street signs on houses are made from decorative tiles?

  6. China

    1.How much is during the trip?
    2.What is the most beautiful place to visited in China?
    3.Where is started the tour?
    4.What can we saw from Beijing to Shanghai?
    5.What performance do we experienced?
    6.How many days do we was on Yangtze river?
    7.How do the Shanghai welcomed us?

    Bianca D.

  7. Razvan - Questions 2 and 7 have no sense ; maybe you can find another point of interest to ask another 2 questions
    3.Why WAS Lisbon so beautiful?
    6.Why WERE the large fortresses so remarkable?

  8. Bianca D.- Question 2 HAS NO SENSE
    1.How LONG WAS the trip?
    3.Where DID the tour START ?
    4.What can we SEE from Beijing to Shanghai?
    5.What performance DID THEY EXPERIENCE ?
    6.How many days WERE THEY ON THE Yangtze river?
    7.How DID Shanghai WELCOME THEM ?

  9. 1.Which is one of the most visited travel destinations in London?
    2Are expensive clothes, food and more in London?
    3. Royal Albert Hall is big?
    4.Big-Ben show exactly what time it is?
    5.In House of Lord is throne of the Queen. ?
    6.London is a capital full of history and tourist attractions?
    7.How many people come to visit London?


  10. 1.Which is one of the most visited travel destinations in London?
    2Are THERE expensive clothes in London?
    3. IS Royal Albert Hall big?
    4.DOES Big-Ben show exactly what time it is?
    5.IS THE throne of the Queen IN THE House of LordS ?
    6.IS London a capital full of history and tourist attractions?
    7.How many people come to visit London?


  11. 1.Why China is considered old and new?
    2.What's that Terracotta Army?
    3.Why the Classical Chinese Gardens were a special treat?
    4.In what sense they experienced a Kung Fu performance?
    5.Why in the Longmen Grottoes are so many Buddha images?
    6.What are Three Gorges Dam?
    7.Why the architecture is the epitome of emerging China?

    Vlad P.

  12. How many days during the trip?
    Whit what they traveled?
    In what place started the tour?
    How many km did?
    What they saw?
    How many days spent the cruise?
    On what river?

    Liana P.

  13. Questions about London:

    1. How many visitors has London yearly?
    2. Which is name at a special place where traffic is at a standstill at times?
    3. What traditions are still preserved in London?
    4. Over which the river was built a bridge by the Romans?
    5. What buildings in London are part of the famous buildings in the world?
    6. What year was Westminster Abbey place for the coronations?
    7. How many meters tall has Big Ben?


  14. Vlad
    1.Why IS China considered old and new?
    2.What's Terracotta Army?
    3.Why WERE the Classical Chinese Gardens a special treat?
    4.HOW DID they experience a Kung Fu performance?
    5.Why are so many Buddha images in the Longmen Grottoes?
    6.What IS THE Three Gorges Dam?
    7.Why IS the architecture the epitome of emerging China?

  15. LIANA
    How many days WAS the trip?
    HOW DID they TRAVEL?
    What place DID the tour START ?
    How many km did THEY TRAVEL ?
    What DID they SEE?
    How many days DID THEY SPEND ON the cruise?
    On what river DID THEY TRAVEL?

  16. 1. How many visitors has London yearly?
    2. Which is THE name OF THE special place where traffic is at a standstill at times?
    3. What traditions are still preserved in London?
    4. Over which river was a bridge built by the Romans?
    5. What buildings in London are part of the famous buildings in the world?
    6. What year was Westminster Abbey THE place for coronations?
    7. How many meters HIGH IS Big Ben?


  17. 1.What river is in China ?
    2.What they said they are odl and new ?
    3.What was sunk in the Middle Kingdom ?
    4.Place where the tour started and they traveled?
    5.What they saw in Beijing ?
    6.What have visited at Xi'an ?
    7.Experiencing the Shaolin monastery ?

    Sandra E. :)

  18. London, this gigantic metropolis of over 9 million inhabitants, is a marvellous city full of history, grand buildings and monuments. The centre of the former British Empire has developed into a cosmopolitan, multicultural city, which covers all fields of interest. It is a fascinating world which undoubtedly will cast a spell over everyone who visits it.

    1.Which is one of the most visited travel destinations in London?

    2.How much population has London
    3.What museums are in London?
    4.Buckingham Palace has any part of the royal collection?
    5.Who is the Queen Royal Albert?
    6.Inside the church, Westminster Abbey is high, large or small, too small?
    7.Who is queen?
    8.Baking palace is one of the most famous palaces in london?

    Amalia C.

  19. The UK:
    1.How many people is London?
    2.How many British tourists visit London every year?
    3.Londonium is called a bridge over the River Thames has been created?
    4.Westminster Palace, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London are part of the world's most famous buildings?
    5.How many meters is Big Ben?
    6.Admission fees to attractions are great?
    7.Access to museums and galleries is free?

    1.Portugal is a fascinating country with a rich cultural heritage?
    2.In 1917 they formed the miracle of Fatima?
    3.There Portugal steppes, mountain ranges and fertile plains, exotic subtropical vegetation?
    4.Lisbon is the most beautiful city in Portugal?
    5.In Portugal decorate walls with ceramic tiles?
    6.Arabs brought in Portugal tiles?
    7.The houses are made with decorative tiles?

    1.China has extraordinary landscapes?
    2.Travel in China are rich in experience
    3.There are ancient monuments in China?
    4.There Terracotta Army in Xi'an
    5.The Shaolin monastery to practice Kung Fu
    6.There are approximately 100,000 images of Buddha?
    7.Yangtze River is in China?

    Ioana S.:)

  20. Mihaela E
    1.How China tour started?
    2.What performance tried visitors? Where?
    3.What cave have visited?
    4.What happened was fascinating river cruise?
    5.Approximately how many Buddha images are in those caves?
    6.What impressed him the Three Georges Dam left?
    7.What impression he left gardens visitors?

  21. London
    1.How many inhabitants has London?
    2.What is the "vehicle" of the policemen in London?
    3.What kind of busses can we see in London?
    4.In what part of London is the White Tower?
    5.What buildings from London are found on the World Heritage List?
    6.Where can we see the throne of the Queen?
    7.From what year did Big Ben show the exact time?


  22. The UK

    1.What is the population of London?
    2.How many tourists visit London per year?
    3.What kind of buses travel through London?
    4.Who built that bridge which pass over the river Thames?
    5.What can we see in the ,,House of Lords"?
    6.How tall is Big Ben?
    7.What's the price for the access to the museums?


  23. 1. At what city did start your tour?
    2. Did you see some palaces?
    3. Did you taste the Chinese food?
    4. Have you visited the Great Chinese wall?
    5. Did you see the Yangtze river?
    6. How long did you stay?
    7. Did you see some beautiful landscapes?


  24. 1.What did they experience in China?
    2.How many Buddha images are in Longmen Grottoes?
    3.What did they visit at Xi'an?
    4.How long was the trip?
    5.How are named the Classical Chinese Gardens?
    6.Where did they experience the Kung Fu performance?
    7.Where did the tour start?

    Bogdan S.

  25. 1.How many people in China?
    2.How many beautiful places are in China?
    3.How many classical chines gardens still exist?
    4.How many the buses in China towars Bucharest?
    5.How many kinds of religions are in China?
    6.What is the favorite foos of Chinese?
    7.You could see in China?
    Adela S.

  26. 1.What river is in China ?
    2.What DID they SAY they WERE old and new ?
    3.What was sunk in the Middle Kingdom ?
    4.WHERE DID the tour start ?
    5.What DID they SEE in Beijing ?
    6.What DID THEY visit at Xi'an ?
    7.WHAT EXPERIENCE DID THEY HAVE AT the Shaolin monastery ?

    Sandra E. :)

  27. Mihaela E
    1.WHERE DID THE China tour START?
    2.What kind of performance DID they SEE ?
    And where?
    3.What caves DID THEY VISIT ?
    4.What impression DID THE gardens have ON visitors?
    5.How many Budha images WERE THERE ?
    6.What happened DURING THE impressive river cruise?
    7.Why WAS THE Three Georges Dam astonishING ?

  28. 1.Which is one of the most visited travel destinations in London?

    2.How much population has London ?
    3.What museums are in London?
    4.HAS Buckingham Palace A part of the royal collection?
    5.WhAT is the Queen Royal Albert?
    6.HOW LARGE IS Inside the Westminster AbbeY?
    7.Who is THE queen?
    8.IS BUCKINGHAM PALACE one of the most famous palaces in London?

    Amalia C.


  29. 7.HOW LONG HAS THE Big Ben showN the exact time?


    GOOD JOB !

    6.How HIGH is Big Ben?

  31. 1. WHAT CITY did YOU start your tour?

    4. DID you visit the Great Chinese wall?

    Gelu -VERY WELL!

  32. 1.How many people ARE in China?

    3.How many classical chinesE gardens still exist?
    4.How many the buses in China towars Bucharest?????

    6.What is the favorite fooD of Chinese?
    7.WHAT could YOU see in China?
    Adela S.

  33. The UK:
    1.How many people ARE IN London?
    2.How many British tourists visit London every year?
    3.Londonium is called a bridge over the River Thames has been created???????
    4.ARE Westminster Palace, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London part of the world's most famous buildings?
    5.How HIGH is Big Ben?
    6.ARE THERE admission fees to MUSEUMS?
    7.IS THE Access to museums and galleries free?

    1.IS Portugal is a fascinating country?
    2.In 1917 they formed the miracle of Fatima?????
    3.There Portugal steppes, mountain ranges and fertile plains, exotic subtropical vegetation????
    4.IS Lisbon the most beautiful city in Portugal?
    5.In Portugal DO THEY decorate walls with ceramic tiles?
    7.ARE COMMON houses made with decorative tiles?

    1.HAS China AN extraordinary landscapes?
    2.IS TravelLING in China A rich experience?
    3.ARE THERE ANY ancient monuments in China?
    4.IS Terracotta Army in Xi'an ?
    5.DO THEY PRACTICE Kung Fu AT The Shaolin monastery ?
    6.ARE THERE approximately 100,000 images of Buddha?
    7.IS THE Yangtze River in China?

    Ioana S.:)- KIND OF IMPROVED !
