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Saturday, October 22, 2011


Linking sentences with ALTHOUGH and BUT
Sample of Thank You Letter for Present from Child to Relative

Dear Aunt Ellen,

Thank you very much for my Christmas presents. I know that the scarf and hat will keep me very warm this winter when I play at the park and in the back garden. I also know that my friends and I will enjoy watching the DVDs that you brought me when it is too cold to play outside. I have not seen most of these DVDs before so I am very excited to watch them, and the ones that I have seen I already know that I like and will watch over and over again. Maybe one day you will be able to come over and watch them with me. I would like that very much.

Thank you again for all of my lovely presents.



Source :http://www.thankyouletters.co.uk/thank-you-letter-for-present-from-child-relative.html

Funny things about the human body :http://blog.shakespeare-school.ro/2011/10/23/funny-things-about-the-human-body/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+shakespeare+%28Shakespeare+School%29


1. YOUR ADDRESS - 0,25
2. DATE -0,25
3. OPENING- 0,25
7. ENDING-0,25



  1. 20 Negru Voda
    Giurgiu PC84 5UN
    4th November

    Dear uncle Martin,

    Thank you for your Christmas present. I know that Santa can not bring the playstation to me because is too fat, we haven't a chimney and the door was locked. However, I really enjoyed the present though my mom didn't leave me so much to play at it. I am playing every time I am free. My friends have came to me to play fifa and world of warcraft. I hope you'll come too, when you are not busy.
    Thank you again for your present.
    P.S.:I know Santa Claus doesn't exist, but don't tell my parents because that makes them happier.


  2. 18 Ash Road
    London SW 18 4PU
    7th November

    Dear cousin Alexia ,

    I’m writing to thank you for my birthday present .Was very amusing . I can’t think how you can bought to me a SWIMBELT . However I really don’t like , but thanks for you’re gesture . I will use to beach .
    In conclusion many thanks for the present .
    I hope you are not upset and I want see you soon at our grandparents .

    With love,
    Your cousin, Georgiana


  3. 1 Decembrie
    Giurgiu 05289
    1st October

    Dear Vali,

    thanks for your great party . It was lovely and very amusing . I liked the food, but most drinks .
    however, I liked them all . Although I liked the most your pool . It was a special party . I played the most cool games all my life .


    Costin Catalin

  4. 19 Fox Road
    Giurgiu 29512
    4th October 2011

    Dear Christine,
    I’m writing this letter to thank you for your lovely present that you gave me for my birthday.I didn’t expected from you to give me a cute little puppy.Thank you from all my heart for this gift.When I’m going with him in the park a lot of people are saying ’Oh,that puppy it’s the most cuttest dog I ever seen’.I must say that a lot of girls were crazy about him.
    Although,I named him Spark.That dog it’s cute but..he is doing his dirty jobs on my living room.However,I have seen that he loves cats.I didn’t expected that from a dog.The dogs usually hate cats but this one is loving them.Surprising!
    In conclusion,this dog it’s very talented:he can swim,he can bark,he can sleep,he can poop on my crazy neighbour’s backyard(that’s a talent for me).
    See you soon,
    Vlad P.
    P.S:The dog is still poops in my neighbour’s backyard.That’s like a comedy movie.

  5. 14 Rose Street
    5th November

    ♥♥♥Dear grandpa, ♥♥♥

    I’m writing you this letter to thank you for your lovely present that you gave me my anniversary. It was very nice from you to buy me my favorite mobile phone.
    I’m grateful that you made me this surprise but also because you thought at me. Although T want to thank you that you send me this present exacly at my birthday.
    However it was a very nice day, one of the reason is that you remember my birthday .
    I hope see you soon in Giurgiu,are very excited about the gift from you.

    ♥♥♥ I love you Grandpa ♥♥♥

    With love,

  6. 7, London Rd
    4th November, 2011

    Dear Aunt Linda,

    ALTHOUGH my birthday was two weeks ago, I am writing to you right now because I want to say „Thank you!” for the wonderful present you gave me.
    So, thank you for the best present that I have goten: a ticket at Hannah Montana’s concert. My mom came with me, HOWEVER I enjoyed it. It was the gourgeous gift you could give me BUT better than this will be if you will come with me at the next concert you offer me.
    Because I heard that is better to give than to get. So, the more presents you offer the best aunt you will be. I love you so much!
    Thank you again for being such a good aunt. THOUGH I love you like my best friend.

    Lots of love,

    PS:I really don’t like Hannah Montana, so don’t take it seriously. Cora:)

  7. 18 Ash Road
    London SW18 4PU
    7 th November
    Dear Geo ,

    Thanks a lot for you and your party organized by my friends. I never thought it will never happen.

    Thank you very much for the gift of you but now I'm sorry that you left, however we were best friends, although you will return in four months I simnt you lack. Thanks for your time to organize surprise parties. And you still thank you for beautiful moments we spent together having fun.

    I am writing you this scisoarea to thank you for all you did for me. And to make you change your mind come soon in the country and to communicate more.


  8. 19 Decebal Road
    Giurgiu SW184PU
    5th November

    Dear Bubu,

    I am writting to thank for your great party. I was very happily when you invited me in that wonderful country, England, last week.
    Your party was the best of my opinion. It was cool, although your cake was not exactly what I preffered at that moment. However, the moments were full of games but I liked so much "Pin the donkey tail". The all was very funny, although Johnny was not so interested by game.
    In conclusion, the another parties will be boring after your's. Nothing will be better than the moments offered by you. I hope to see you again at my party, but I want, in the same time, to invite you in Romania, next February.
    However, I am wishing to transmit you my lovely and sincerely feelings.

    With love, Bogdan S.

  9. Mary Rhodes
    212 Silverback Drive
    California Springs CA 92926
    5th November

    Dear Katy,

    It was so kind of you to invite me to your party.I'm writting to thank you for your lovely party.Was very funny.The food and the music was ewcellent.Your friend was nice to me.I like your family and your small brother best.The games was funny and the movie very scarry.I'm so happy i won the pillow fight.It was great.I hope tou join to me party to.

    All the best,


  10. RUBRIC

    1. YOUR ADDRESS - 0,25
    2. DATE -0,25
    3. OPENING- 0,25
    5. 3 WAYS OF THANKING -3
    6. CONCLUSION -2
    7. ENDING-0,25
    8. USING LINKERS 1,5
    9. CREATIVITY-0,5
    Ioana – No linkers in your letter -8,5
    I’m writing you this letter to thank you for your lovely present that you gave me FOR my anniversary. It was very nice from you to buy me my favorite mobile phone.
    I’m grateful that you made me this surprise but also because you thought at me. AlSO I want to thank you that you senT me this present exactly FOR my birthday.
    However it was a very nice day, one of the reason is that you remember my birthday .
    I hope see you soon in Giurgiu, I AM very excited about the gift from you.
    Cora -10
    So, thank you for the best present that I have goT: a ticket at Hannah Montana’s concert. My mom came with me, HOWEVER I enjoyed it. It was the MOST GORGEOUS gift you could give me BUT better than this WOULD BE if you CAme with me at the next concert you offer me.
    Because I heard that is better to give than to get. So, the more presents you offer the best aunt you will be. I love you so much!
    Thank you again for being such a good aunt, THOUGH I love you like my best friend.
    Sandra -6
    –Repeated ways of thanking-1
    -using linkers -0
    Thanks a lot TO you FOR your party organized by my friends. I never thought it will EVER happen.

    Thank you very much for the gift but now I'm sorry that you left, however we ARE best friends, although you will return in four months ??? I MISS YOU. Thanks for your time to organize A surprise partY. And thank you for THE beautiful moments we spent together having fun.

    I am writing you this LETTER to thank you for EVERYTHING you did for me. And to make you change your mind AND come soon in the country and communicate more.

    GELU – No linkers in your letter -8,5

    Thank you for your Christmas present. I know that Santa can not bring the playstation to me because HE is too fat, we haven't GOT a chimney and the door was locked. However, I really enjoyed the present though my mom didn't leave me so much to play at it. I PLAY every time I am free. My friends have cOme to me to play FIFA and World of Warcraft. I hope you'll come too, when you are not busy.

  11. RUBRIC

    1. YOUR ADDRESS - 0,25
    2. DATE -0,25
    3. OPENING- 0,25
    5. 3 WAYS OF THANKING -3
    6. CONCLUSION -2
    7. ENDING-0,25
    8. USING LINKERS 1,5
    9. CREATIVITY-0,5
    Georgiana -8
    - only two linkers-1
    - repeated ways of thanking 1.5

    I’m writing to thank you for my birthday present .IT was very amusing. I can’t think how you can bought to me a SWIMBELT . However I really don’t like IT, but thanks for youR INTENTION. I will use AT THEbeach .
    In conclusion many thanks for the present.
    I hope you are not upset and I want see you soon at our grandparents.

    Costin Catalin-6.5
    Linkers not used properly-0
    Ways of thanking-1
    Thanks for your great party. It was lovely and very amusing. I liked the food, but mostLY THE drinks .
    However, I liked them all . ??Although I liked the most your pool…??? . It was a special party . I played the most cool games OF my life .
    Vlad P.-8.5
    I didn’t EXPECT from you to give me a cute little puppy.Thank you from all my heart for this gift.When I GO with him in the park a lot of people SAY’Oh,that puppy it’s the cuttest dog I’VE ever seen’.I must say that a lot of girls ARE crazy about him.
    Although,I named him Spark….???That dog is cute but..he is doing his dirty jobs on my living room.However,I have seen that he loves cats.I didn’t EXPECT that from a dog.The dogs usually hate cats but this one LOVES THEM .Surprising!
    In conclusion,this dog IS very talented:he can swim,he can bark,he can sleep,he can poop IN my crazy neighbour’s backyard(that’s a talent for me).
    See you soon,
    Vlad P.
    P.S:The dog still poops in my neighbour’s backyard.That’s like a comedy movie.
    Bogdan S.-10
    I am writing to thank for your great party. I was very happY when you invited me in that wonderful country, England, last week.
    Your party was the best IN my opinion. It was cool, although your cake was not exactly what I preferred at that moment. However, the moments were TOO full of games but I liked so much "Pin the donkey tail". All was very funny, although Johnny was not so interested by THE game.
    In conclusion, the OTHER parties will be boring after YOURS. Nothing will be better than the moments offered by you. I hope to see you again at my party, but I want, in the same time, to invite you in Romania, next February.
    However, I WISH to transmit you my lovely and sincerely feelings.
    Mary ???-6.5
    It was so kind of you to invite me to your party.I'm writing to thank you for your lovely party.IT was very funny.The food and the music WERE eXcellent.Your friend was nice to me.I like your family and your small brother best.The games WERE funny and the movie very scary.I'm so happy I won the pillow fight.It was great.I hope You WILL join MY party ,toO.
