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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Olympics Revision

The first confrontation is on the 25th February , at our school at 9.45 , second floor !



Types of subjects for the local level :

Varianta 1

Subiectul I
A. Fill in the blanks using “much”, “many” or “a lot (of)”.
1. How __________ water do you usually drink a day?
2. Frank couldn’t go to the party because he had too ___________ work to do.
3. ‘How __________ people were there at the cinema?’ ‘There were __________ . The film was really nice.’
4. Jim failed the exam because he made too ________ mistakes.
5. There were ___________ people at the meeting. It was really crowded.
6. Was there _________ traffic on the road? – Yes, there were _____________ cars.
7. We must buy some more cheese. There isn’t ______ left.
8. How much did you pay for the ring? It cost me 100 euros. Wow! That’s ____________ money!
(10 x 0.5 = 5 points)
B. Fill in the gaps with adjectives formed by adding -ed or -ing to the words in brackets.
1. I hate this weather! The sky is always grey. It’s really __________________. (DEPRESS)
2. Paul says that his job is _____________. (BORE)
3. The film was so ___________________. The girls felt really ________________. (FRIGHTEN / SCARE)
4. I didn’t understand what the teacher meant. I felt so ___________________. (CONFUSE)
5. Claire teaches young children. It’s such a ______________ job! At the end of the day she’s always _________________. (TIRE / EXHAUST)
6. My daughter was _________________ by the actor in Twilight. (FASCINATE)
7. The plane crash in the Hudson River must have been a ____________________ experience. The passengers were ____________________ (TERRIFY).
(10 x 0.5 = 5 points)
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. I can’t think of an ____________________ for his absence. (EXPLAIN)
2. The accident caused the ____________________ of five people. (DIE)
3. Lots of accidents happen because of ________________ drivers. (CARE)
4. They need the government’s ____________________ before they can go ahead. (APPROVE)
5. The government is taking measures to reduce _____________________. (EMPLOY)
6. We were surprised by his ____________________ to discuss the matter. (DENY)
7. After some time he recovered ____________________. (CONSCIOUS)
8. Children show ___________________ about everything. (CURIOUS)
9. There was a look of ____________________ on her face. (SAD)
10. As she was already ____________________ independent, she decided to buy her own flat. (FINANCE)
(10 x 0.5=5 points)
D. Adjective or adverb? Circle the right word to complete the sentences.
1. He doesn’t work very hard / hardly.
2. He was caught up in the avalanche and suffered terrible / terribly injuries.
3. Phil is a good / well dancer. He dances very good / well.
4. I did bad / badly in the test.
5. He’s always late / lately for school but he was surprising / surprisingly on time today.
6. The audience applauded enthusiastic / enthusiastically. Everyone was excited /excitedly about the actor’s performance.
7. He was soaking wet because it was raining heavy / heavily.
(10 x 0.5=5 points)
Subiectul II
Look at the following sentences and ask a question so that the answer is the underlined part of the sentence.
1. The cook is making a very big sandwich . ………………………………………………………………………......
2. John likes dogs very much. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. My father caught a big fish in the river yesterday. ……………………………………………………………………
4. My uncle goes jogging every morning. ………………………………………………………………………………
5. The child is going to jump into the pool. …………………………………………………………………………….
6. The ball broke the window. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Martin won the gold medal in the world competition. ………………………………………………………………
8. Frank is scared of the dog. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. Tom and Bob were at the station when the train arrived. ……………………………………………………………
10. Mum is cutting the bread for dinner. ………………………………………………………………………………..
(10 x 0.5= 5 points)
Subiectul III
Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
  1. John ___________________ (carry) a heavy backpack to school every day.
  2. I ___________________ (do) my homework right now.
  3. Toni Morrison ___________________ (write) Beloved some twenty years ago.
  4. It ____________________ (rain) since early this morning.
  5. She ____________________ (not mention) his name lately.
  6. He ___________________ (work) for Exxon Mobil when he __________________ (get) a new job offer.
  7. He __________________________ (already/leave) when the taxi _________________ (arrive).
  8. They ____________________ (announce) the winners next Tuesday.
(10 x 1 = 10 points)
Subiectul IV
Present Perfect or Past Simple?
1 She______________ ( be) unemployed since she left school.
2 The film ______________ (not start) yet.
3 She ______________ (be) ill since Thursday.
4 I ______________ (finish) the project last night.
5 Look! Someone ______________ (leave) their handbag in the room.
6 I can't get into my house because I ______________ (lose) my keys.
7 Nobody ______________ (answer) the phone when it rang.
8 I ______________ (give) up smoking last year.
9 You can't see her because she ______________ (go) home.
10 I never ______________ (know) my grandmother as she died before I was born.
(10 x 0.5 = 5 points)
Subiectul V
Circle the correct adjective:
1. Sally is … than Laura.
a) much talkative b) much more talkative c) the most talkative
2. Yesterday was … day of her life.
a) the sadder b) the most sad c) the saddest
3. She’s … beautiful than me.
a) most b) much more c) much
4. My brother is .. boy in my family.
a) the laziest b) the most laziest c) the more lazy
5. They often eat in the … in town.
a) better restaurant b) most good restaurant c) best restaurant
6. This is the … mountain he … .
a) higher – climbs b) highest –has climbed c) the most high – has climbed
7. Venice is … Rome.
a) smaller that b) much more smaller than c) much smaller than
8. That’s the … house … town.
a) the cheaper – of b) the cheapest – of c) the cheapest - in
9. This is the … book I’ve … .
a) more interesting–ever find b) most interesting–ever found c) more interesting–ever found
10. Scream is …film I’ve ever seen.
a) the baddest b) the worse c) the worst
(10 x 1 = 10 points)
Subiectul VI
A. Complete with the right tense of the verbs in brackets.
  1. You’ll break it if you _______________________ (not be) careful.
  2. If it __________________ (rain), you’ll have to take your umbrella.
  3. You won’t find the key if you ________________________ (not open) the bag.
  4. What would you do if you __________________ (see) someone steal something?
  5. I ______________________ (not come) if I finish work late.
  6. Will he send me the money if he ________________ (know) my address?
  7. What ____________________________ (happen) if he didn’t go to work?
  8. I’m sure he _______________________ (help) me if I need him.
  9. If you go to town, _________ you _________ (buy) something for me?
  10. If she __________ (try) very hard, she will succeed.
(10 x 1 = 10 points)
B. Choose the correct answer.
1. If you ________ this medicine, you ______ better soon.
a) takes / will feel
b) take / will feel
c) took / will feel
d) take / would feel
2. If I got more money, I ____________
a) would helped poor people
b) will buy a new car.
c) would buy new clothes
d) should help poor people
3. If I _______ you, I ____________ a motorbike. It is so dangerous.
a) was / wouldn’t buy
b) were / won’t buy
c) was / couldn’t buy
d) were / wouldn’t buy
4. I won’t take an umbrella unless it _____________
a) rains
b) doesn’t rain
c) rained
d) didn’t rain
5. If Mr. Collin ___________, he ______ late for his best important meeting.
a) hurries / will be
b) hurry / can be
c) don’t hurry / can be
d) doesn’t hurry / will be
6. If we ______ time, we ________ go to picnic on Saturday.
a) had / will go
b) have / will go
c) has / will go
d) had / should have gone
7. If I ______ a plane ticket for anywhere in the world, I _______ to Egypt to see the Pyramids.
a) won / would have gone
b) won / would go
c) will win / go
d) will win / will go
8. If Tim and Joe __________ in class, they ________ their homework.
a) listens / will understand
b) will listen / understand
c) don’t listen / won’t understand
d) doesn’t listen / won’t understand
9. If you found a diamond ring in the street while walking, _______________________?
a) what will you do?
b) what would have you done?
c) what do you do?
d) what would you do?
10. If my father heard a loud noise in his office while working, he _______________ under the table. He is afraid of everything.
a) would hide
b) hid
c) will hide
d) would have hidden
(10 x 1 = 10 points)
Subiectul VII
Write a story beginning with the words given. Give a title to your story.
Sam sat on the beach looking out to the horizon. A tear escaped and slid down his cheek. It just wasn’t fair! They always said he was too young! He’d show them! He had the letter in his hand. Time was running out, he had to get to the post office in double quick time, this was his last chance.
(30 points)
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Timp de lucru: 2 ore.
Varianta 2

Subiectul I

Choose the correct option for each sentence:
1.Neither Bill ……………Steven read this book.
a) no b) nor c) not
2. Do not forget to…………….the stereo when you leave the house.
a) shut b) turn off c) close
3. We haven’t brought……………clothes with us.
a) much b) many c) some
4. I received a ……………….new TV set for my birthday.
a) very b) young c) brand
5. She always goes to the disco………….Saturday evening.
a) next b) on c) by
6. The party will go on……….....late in the evening.
a) during b) after c) until
7. I guess there will be more than a hundred…………..at the paty.
a) guests b) members c) visitors
8. Nigel’s car is more expensive ……..mine.
a) as b) then c) than
9. Can you………………..me a glass of water, please ?
a) borrow b) lend c) fetch
10. He accepted my proposal by…………..his head.
a) shaking b) nodding c) trembling. (10 x 1)
Subiectul II
Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the one given.
  1. I really admire her. She is so …………………………………………(ambition)
  2. Her stories are so………………………...She makes everybody laugh. (amuse)
  3. Sherlock Holmes is the most famous British……………………………(detect)
  4. You are kindly invited to this important…………………………….(celebrate)
  5. This is …………......something I would not have expected to happen. (certain)
  6. Maths is not a very…………………...school subject, in my opinion. ( interest)
  7. This is a very ………………………………… plan. Who proposed it ? (origin)
  8. My friend was ………………………………………when he found out. (anger)
  9. Alice works as a ………………………. for a medical institute. (research)
  10. Don’t be so ………………………………………………..about it. (enthusiasm)
( 10 x 1)
Subiectul III
Add suitable tags( disjunctive questions) to the following sentences:
  1. There’s nowhere to stay in this house,………………………?
  2. You haven’t had dinner yet, ………………………………….?
  3. Tom will have to wait, ………………………………?
  4. She speaks English, ………………………………….?
  5. You gave me the bill,… ……………………………...?
  6. I have to go to London next week,…………………..?
  7. They won’t drop it, …………………………………..?
  8. You can do this, ……………………………………...?
  9. There happen to be two cups on the table,…………?
  10. Everyone likes me, …………………………………. ? (10 x 1)
Subiectul IV
Write questions to the underlined words from the following sentences :
  1. I am taking this home for my sister.
  2. Mary lives about five miles away.
  3. All of us liked the film.
  4. She is a very handsome woman.
  5. That exquisite car is mine.
  6. They will get up at 7 o’clock.
  7. He goes to the gym twice a week.
  8. John has been working there for 10 years.
  9. He left the house to meet his friends.
  10. They were losing lots of money in that casino. (10 x 2)
Subiectul V
Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets :
  1. He (walk) to hospital every day and (not/feel) tired at all.
  2. I (be away) for the past fifteen years and (not/see) them since.
  3. The cat (overthrow) an inkpot and (spill) the ink onto his papers.
  4. I (come) tomorrow, but I (not/ stay) too long.
  5. They (read) the newspaper when the phone (ring).
  6. She (go out) to play after she (finish) her homework.
  7. We (not/get) a reply, so we (decide) to spend our holiday at home.
  8. They (build) that block-of-flats since 2005, but they (not/finish) it yet.
  9. We (spend) next week with our parents; we (go) on a trip with them.
  10. The sun (rise)in the East and (set) in the West.
(10 x 2)
Subiectul VI
Write a composition in 120 words, beginning with the following words and give it a title.
It was a stormy day. The wind drove down the rain and everywhere there was standing water and mud, but we decided to leave anyway, as the place has turned into a real danger for all of us…………………………………
( 30 )

Varianta 3

I. Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word.
There was a (1)………..when drinking tea was almost unknown in European countries. Once, a sailor brought his mother a (2)………… .
Naturally, he tried to bring something (3)………………. that she could show to her friends.
Once the young man came back from India with a box of (4)……………. for his mother. She didn’t know anything about tea, but she liked the (5)……………… and invited all her friends to come and (6)………………. it. When her son came into the (7)……………, he saw cakes and fruit and sweets on the table and a big plate full of tea-leaves. His mother and her friends were sitting (8)……………. the table, eating the leaves with butter and salt. (9)…………… they all smiled, it was(10)……………. that they didn’t enjoy the leaves.
II. Correct the underlined items:
  1. Didn’t you do your homework, yet?
  2. Have you called John yesterday?
  3. When I was a child, I have ridden my bike to school.
  4. Did you used to watch a lot of TV?
  5. They speaks Spanish in Barcelona.
  6. The sun is setting in the west.
  7. Please be quiet! You make so much noise, I can’t concentrate.
  8. Does he sleep much? No, he does never.
  9. Tom lives in Rome for 5 years.
  10. I will call you when I will finish cleaning.
III. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D.
  1. Tom hasn’t got……..money, but he’s a very kind young man.
A. a B. many C. much D. some
2. The mountaineer was striving…………..to get to the top of the mountain.
A. less B. hardly C. hardy D. hard
3. Let’s look into this shop, …………..?
A. don’t we B. shall we C. let’s not D. shan’t we
4. Why don’t we …………a phone call from here?
A. do B. take C. make D. get
5. The pyramids were bigger……………we had imagined.
A. as B. then C. than D.but
6. “You don’t smoke, do you?” “………………..”.
A. Not B. No, don’t. C. Yes, I don’t. D.Yes, I do.
7. His girlfriend is ………….than me.
A. taller B. tallest C. more tall D. more taller
8. We have to arrive………time.
A. by B. to C. on D.-
9. The bricklayers worked ………..and ………….. .
A. hard…..quick B. hardly….quick C. hardly…..quickly D. hard…..quickly
10. It’s …………..2008.
A. the October 20 B. of 20th October C. the 20th of October D. October of 20th
10 x1p= 10p
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
  1. The window is open. Mary just (open)…………………..it.
  2. He (fly )…………………to Paris in an hour.
  3. Pat …………………(not/come) with us to the party.
  4. What (you/do)…………………….last winter?
  5. Mike (repair)…………….his car, when his friend (come)……………………
  6. Look at the airplane! It (crash)…………………………….
  7. Life (be) better 100 years from now.
  8. Fred (not/know) how to swim.
  9. All the mountains are white! It (snow)………………………..all night.
  10. My brother (build) a sandcastle while I (ride) my bike.
10x 1p=10p
V. Complete the sentences. Use much, many, some , any, a, an, the where necessary.
  1. Tim needs…………advice. Can you help him?
  2. How……………..petrol is there in the car?
  3. ……………Japanese is a difficult language.
  4. You didn’t buy……………..clothes today, did you?
  5. Jack wants to be ………………doctor.
  6. We took ………………photos when we were in Egypt.
  7. Is there ……………..food left? I’m hungry.
  8. Would you like to win……….million dollars?
  9. Sarah wants to sail on …………..Danube.
  10. All living creatures need……………..water.
10x 2p= 20p

VI.Write a composition in 120 words, beginning with the following words and give it a title:
Jack woke up one morning to find that all his neighbours were standing in front of his house. They were carrying signs and looked very angry.
30 p.

Varianta 4

Subject 1
Choose the correct alternative for each sentence:
  1. The new chef has brought …………. lots of changes at the restaurant.
a) up b) back c) about
2. Who’s the player who …………… interviewed over there?
a) is being b) is c) should have
3. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to football practice because I’ve ………… my ankle.
a) headed b) pulled c) twisted
4. That bag …………. your shoes. You should buy it.
a) suits b) matches c) fits
5. How many …………. of garlic should I use?
a) cubes b) pinches c) cloves
6. Many species of animals have become…………… .
a) hunted b) dead c) extinct
7. We managed to catch a …………. of the president of the company as she was leaving.
a) look b) sight c) glimpse
8. Make sure you save all your files before you ………….. .
a) unplug b) log off c) pull out
9. The teacher asked Joe if he knew what ……………… .
a) the answer was b) was the answer c) is the answer
10. The Corrs, ………… new record has just come out, are performing in town tonight.
a) who b) whose c) which
(10 x 1 point)
Subject 2
Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the word(s) given and any other words you need:
  1. A: ‘Why have you bought a new car?’
B: ‘We needed one with a ………….. 1.(big) boot, to take our sports gear.’
  1. A: ‘Do you happen to know which is …………………………………….2.(small) our solar system?’
B: ‘Pluto, isn’t it? I know it’s …………………………. 3.(far) away from the sun.’
  1. A: ‘How was your driving test?’
B: ‘Oh, not so bad really. It was …………………………. 4.(much / easy) I’d expected, in fact.
A: ‘So you’ve passed! Congratulations! That’s ………………………5.(good) news I’ve heard for ages.’
  1. A: ‘ Shall we go for a swim ? It’s lovely and sunny!’
B: ‘I’m not sure. There’s quite a strong wind. I think you’ll find it’s ………………………….6.(not / warm) it looks when you get outside.’
  1. A: ‘We’d better go to the bank this morning.’
B: ‘Can’t we go ………………..7.(late)?’
A: ‘ No. They shut …………………………..8.(early / here) they do at home.’
  1. A: ‘Hurry up! We’ll miss the train! Can’t you run ………………….. 9.(fast)?’
B: ‘ Sorry, I’m going ………………………….. 10. (fast) I can already.’
(10 x 2points)
Subject 3
Put the verbs into the correct form: past simple or past continuous:
Colin Boyle was born in 1983 near Dublin, Ireland. In 1996 he (1)…………………. (become) seriously ill. While he (2)………………………. (recover), his uncle (3)……………….. (give) him an old drumkit. He enjoyed playing and practiced in a friend’s garage every evening. One day, in 1998, John Leaf, the manager of several successful musicians, (4)………………………..(pass) the garage when he (5)………………….. (hear) Colin practicing. He (6)………………….(bang) on the garage door and (7)………………….. (invite) Colin to appear in one of the concerts he (8)…………………. (organize) that year. Colin, however, (9)…………………..(refuse) Leaf’s invitation, because at that time he (10)…………………… (prepare) for some important school exams.
(10 x 1point)
Subject 4
Choose the correct alternative:
  1. My sister has been / was interested in medicine ever since she has been / was a child.
  2. One day, when he waited / was waiting at a station, he noticed / was noticing a small boy.
  3. When her children were in their early teens, they were enjoying / used to enjoy looking at her old photo albums.
  4. I prepare / I’m preparing for a conference next Wednesday, but that only lasts / that is only lasting until Friday so I’m free at the weekend.
  5. If I miss / will miss the bus this afternoon, I’ll get a taxi instead.
  6. Last night I have shown / was shown around a castle by the owner.
  7. I’m hoping to visit / visiting my grandparents if I can.
(10 x 1 point)
Subject 5
Look carefully at each line! Some lines are correct but some have a word which should not be there. Tick (√) each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.
A case of mistaken identity
After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of 0_____√_________
a large hotel. The driver who opened the door, and 00____who_______
said, ‘Please follow me’. They went up in to a lift. 1._______________
Then there was a long corridor with two or three 2._______________
doors. Although it seemed strange so that the car hadn’t 3._______________
taken her to her aunt’s house, Diana who wasn’t surprised. 4._______________
Her aunt, who she was very rich, owned several large 5._______________
hotels, which she often stayed in them. I suppose she felt 6._______________
so much bored at home that she decided to stay here. 7._______________
‘Please you wait here, will you?’ said the driver, and 8._______________
disappeared into a room at the end of the corridor. 9._______________
There seemed to be a lot of people that in one of the 10.______________
rooms. Then the driver, who he hadn’t been gone long, 11.______________
came back at and asked Diana to follow him. They went 12.______________
into a large room full of people, who all started clapping. 13.______________
There was a poster that it said, ‘Diana Harris, Supermodel.’ 14.______________
‘Oh, dear’, said Diana, ‘I think so there’s been a mistake!’ 15.______________
(15 x 1point)
Subject 6
Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line:
1. There are a lot of …………………… on the walls. PAINT
2. It is …………………… to drive a car without a driving license. LEGAL
3. I’m sure that our team can win this …………………….. . COMPETE
4. Don’t be ……………………. . RIDICULE
5. What are your …………………….. about her? FEEL
(5 x 1point)
Subject 7
Write a composition in 120 words, beginning with the following words and give it a title:
When our parents entered the house, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing…
(30 points)
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Timpul de lucru este de 2 ore.

Varianta 5

Subject 1
Put in the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.
e.g.I've had (have) these shoes since my eighteenth birthday.
I tidied (tidy) my desk, but now it's in a mess again.
1 The last time I ............................................... (go) to Brighton was in August.
2 I'd like to meet a ghost, but I .................................................(never / see) one.
3 I've finished my homework. I ....................................... (do) it before tea.
4 And the race is over! And Micky Simpson................................................ (win) in a record time!
5 I ................... (work) for a computer company for a year. That was after college.
6 What time .................................................(you / get) to work this morning?
7 Martin ............................... (be) to Greece five times. He loves the place.
8 ThePresident .............. (come) out of the building and is going to make a speech.
9 You won't believe this, but I've got some tickets for the concert. ~ Oh, well done. How ........................ (you / get) them?
10 Of course I can ride a bike. But I ..........………. ....................(not / ride) one for years.
11 Marilyn Monroe..................................................(be) in about thirty films.
12 .................. (you / ever / bake) your own bread? ~ No, but I might try it some time.
13 Janet .................................. (be) very ill three years ago.
14 Rupert has left a message for you. He .............................................(ring) last night.
Subject 2
Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (/). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary have or has out of the sentence and write it in the space.
e.g.Susan has lost her keys. She can't find them anywhere. ___Ö___
Christopher has hurt his hand, but it's OK now. __has___
1 The directors have arrived half an hour ago, but they didn't stay long. _______
2 It's raining, and Peter has left his umbrella behind, look. _______
3 It's a long time since your friends have last visited us. _______
4 None of you have called me for weeks. Aren't we friends any more? _______
5 We can play tennis now. The others have finished. _______
6 The company has bought some land, but then it sold it. _______
7 The computer isn't on now. Someone has turned it off. _______
8 Tessa has posted the parcel. It's on its way to you. _______
9 Several bombs have gone off in the city centre. It has happened
an hour ago. _______
10 Simon has left. He and Oliver have left after lunch. _______
Subject 3
Andrew is a very hard-working student. It's midnight and he is still working at his computer. Write sentences with the present perfect and for or since.
e.g.be / at his computer / six hours He's been at his computer for six hours.
1 not / have / any fun / a long time ................................................
2 have / a cold / a week ………………………………………….
3 not / see / his friends / ages ……………………………………
4 not / do / any sport / last year …………………………………
5 be / busy with his studies / months .............................................
Subject 4
Complete the news report about the village of Brickfield. Use will or be going to. Sometimes either is possible.
We have learned this week that the local council has plans for Westside Park in Brickfield.
The council (e.g.) is going to sell (sell) the land to a builder, Forbes and Son. The plans are all ready. '(1)…………………(we / build) fifty houses,' said Mr Forbes. 'In two years' time everything (2)………………… (be) finished. I'm sure people (3)………………(like) the houses. Most of them (4)……………… (be) for young families. And we intend to take care of the environment. (5)………………… (we / not / cut) down all the trees, only a few of them.'
But people living near the park are angry. 'This is a terrible idea. We're all against it,' said Mrs Mary Brent. '(6)………………… (we / have) a protest march on Saturday. I expect everyone in Brickfield (7)………………..... (be) there. We've reached our decision. (8)………………… (we / stop) this plan.'
Subject 5
Find the second part of each sentence. Put each verb into the correct form (past simple or past continuous).
e.g. Vicky (have) a beautiful dream
a. when she (touch) the wire.
e.g.When Andrew (see) the question
b. when I (find) a £10 note in it.
1 The train (wait)

c. when the alarm clock (ring).
2 I (read) a library book

d. the crowd (rush) in.
3 Sarah (have) an electric shock

e. he (know) the answer immediately.
4 When the doors (open),

f. they (see) that the sun (shine).
5 When the campers (wake),

g. when we (arrive) at the station.
e.g.Vicky was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang.
When Andrew saw the question, he knew the answer immediately.
1. .………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Subject 6
Write a composition in 120 words (12 lines), beginning with the following words and give it a title:
“It was only then that I realised they had mistaken me for someone else.”
Timpul de lucru este de 2 ore.
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii


    Subiectul I

    3-many; a lot of
    5-a lot of
    6-much; a lot of
    8-a lot of


    1. explanation
    2. death
    3. careful
    4. approval
    5. employment
    6. denigation
    7. conscience
    8. curiosity
    9. sadness
    10. financially

    1. hard
    2. terrible
    3. good; well
    4. badly
    5. late; surprisingly
    6. enthusiastically; excited
    7. heavily

    Subiectul II

    1. What is the cook making?
    2. Who likes dogs very much?
    3. What did my father catch in the river yesterday?
    4. Who goes jogging every morning?
    5. Who is going to jump into the pool?
    6. What broke the window?
    7. Who won the gold medal in the world competition?
    8. Who is scared of the dog?
    9. Who was at the station when the train arrived?
    10. What is cutting mum for dinner?

    Subiectul III

    1. carries
    2. am doing
    3. wrote
    4. has been raining
    5. hasn’t mention
    6. was working; got
    7. had already left; arrived
    8. will anounce

    Subiectul IV

    1. has been
    2. hasn’t started
    3. has been
    4. finished
    5. has left
    6. have lost
    7. answered
    8. gave up
    9. has gone
    10. didn’t know

    Subiectul V

    1. a
    2. c
    3. b
    4. a
    5. c
    6. b
    7. c
    8. c
    9. b
    10. c

    Subiectul VI

    1. aren’t
    2. rains
    3. don’t open
    4. see
    5. will not come
    6. knows
    7. happened
    8. will help
    9. will you buy
    10. tryes

    1. b
    2. a
    3. a
    4. b
    5. d
    6. b
    7. b
    8. c
    9. d
    10. d

    Subiectul VII

    They are right

    Sam sat on the beach looking out to the horizon. A tear escaped and slid down his cheek. It just wasn’t fair! They always said he was too young! He’d show them! He had the letter in his hand. Time was running out, he had to get to the post office in double quick time, this was his last chance.
    He started to speak:
    „Why did they always say “I’m sorry, you are too young.” These words have start to hount me. I’m hounted by…childhood. Everyone says that the word which describes me well in infancy. Why should they always make me say “It’s not fair!”?
    I won’t cry anymore. I’m a big boy. And, whatever, boys don’t cry.
    I feel that there is something I forgot…Oh, no! I forgot that today is my cousin’s birthday. Before I got o the post office I should buy her something, a nice gift. But I still feel that i tis something I didn’t do. Hm…I realized that I forgot the house’s door unlocked. I don’t know what to do first. I should call my mom. But I don’t fiind my phone. Maybe when I started running on the beach it felt.
    While I was standing on the street just like now two women crossed me. They said that today is 10th of February… But I knew it is 11th. They are right. Today isn’t Aysha’s birthday, my home isn’t unlocked because my sister is in the house and my phone is at the service.”
    After all those, Sam realized that there is nothing that he can do well. So, he has gone to the post office and responded them: “You are right! Thank you a lot!”.

    Cora N.

  2. A.

    3-many; A LOT

    6-much; MANY

    5. UNemployment
    6. DENIAL
    7. consciOUSNESS

    Subiectul II

    6. What DID THE BALL BREAK ?

    Subiectul III

    5. hasn’t mentionED
    6. HAD BEEN WORKING; got

    8. ARE anouncING

    Subiectul IV

    10. knEw

    Subiectul V

    1. B

    Subiectul VI

    4. SAW
    10. trIes


    2. C
    3. D
    4. A
    10. A

    Subiectul VII

    They are right

    Sam sat on the beach looking out to the horizon. A tear escaped and slid down his cheek. It just wasn’t fair! They always said he was too young! He’d show them! He had the letter in his hand. Time was running out, he had to get to the post office in double quick time, this was his last chance.
    He started to speak:
    „Why did they always say “I’m sorry, you are too young.” These words have startED to hAunt me. I HAVE BEEN HAUNTED SINCE…childhood. Everyone says that the word which describes me well iS infancy. Why should they always make me say “It’s not fair!”?
    I won’t cry anymore. I’m a big boy. And, whatever, boys don’t cry.
    I feel that there is something I forgot…Oh, no! I forgot that today is my cousin’s birthday. Before I gEt To the post office I should buy her something, a nice gift. But I still feel that THERE IS something I didn’t do. Hm…I realized that I forgot the house’s door unlocked. I don’t know what to do first. I should call my mom. But I don’t find my phone. Maybe when I started running on the beach it feLL.
    While I was standing on the street just like now two women PASSED BY me. They said that today is 10th of February… But I knew it is 11th. They are right. Today isn’t Aysha’s birthday, my home isn’t unlocked because my sister is in the house and my phone is at the service.”
    After all those, Sam realized that there is nothing that he can do well. So, he has gone to the post office and responded them: “You are right! Thank you a lot!”.

  3. cORA ,
    A lot of : can be used in all sentences, affirmative, negative and interrogative.
    Much-many : are used in negative and interrogative sentences.
    They are rarely used in affirmative sentences, except if they begin
    the sentence
    Much of our food is exported.
    Many people drive too fast.
    Compare a lot of and a lot :
    ◊ Tom knows a lot of vocabulary.
    ◊ Tom is talkative. He talks a lot.
