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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 3-2;The Seven Wonders of the World; Henry VIII

The Lighthouse of Alexandria
Year built: third century B.C.E.
Location: Pharos, an island off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt
Who built it: Egyptians
Purpose/Use: Lighthouse
Does it still stand? If not, why not? No, it was destroyed by two earthquakes between 1303–1480 C.E.

The Temple of Artemis

Year built: 550 B.C.E.
Location: Ephesus (modern day Turkey)
Who built it: Lydians, Persians and Greeks
Purpose/Use: a temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis
Does it still stand? If not, why not? No, it was intentionally burned to the ground by Herostratus.

The Statue of Zeus
Year built: 435 B.C.E.
Location: Olympia, Greece
Who built it: Greeks
Purpose/Use: honor the Greek god
Does it still stand? If not, why not? No, it was destroyed by an unknown cause.

The Colossus of Rhodes
Year built: 292–280 B.C.E.
Location: the Greek island of Rhodes
Who built it: Greeks (Chares of Lindos)
Purpose/Use: statue to honor the Greek god, Helios
Does it still stand? If not, why not? No, it was destroyed in 224 B.C.E. by an earthquake.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Year built: 600 B.C.E.
Location: Babylon, near present-day Al Hillah, Iraq
Who built it: Babylonians
Purpose/Use: a gift from Nebuchadnezzar II to his wife, Amytis of Media
Does it still stand? If not, why not? No, destroyed in an earthquake after the first century B.C.E.

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Year built: 351 B.C.E.
Location: modern-day Turkey
Who built it: Persians and Greeks
Purpose/Use: tomb for Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire, and Artemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister
Does it still stand? If not, why not? No, it was damaged by an earthquake and eventually destroyed by
European Crusaders in 1494 C.E.

The Pyramids of Egypt
Year built: 2650–2500 B.C.E.
Location: Giza, Egypt
Who built it: Egyptians
Purpose/Use: tomb of Pharaoh Khufu
Does it still stand? If not, why not? Yes



New Wonder: ........
Year built:......
Who built it:..........
Does it still stand? If not, why not?


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